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While a basic technique of Coaching is asking powerful questions and listening deeply together for the answers, Coaches apply different interventions. But a technique shouldn’t become a rule.One principle is: What is needed to further the client’s objective and enable forward movement?  Another principle—one that especially distinguished coaching from consulting—is that the client and the client’s story remains the point of reference.  Consultants ghostwrite that story; coaches catalyze the client writing his or her own story.Some things we do as coaches to help the client in writing a new story in addition to asking questions:·       Endorse  We endorse our clients’ concepts, ideas, and insights to empower and reinforce behavior.·       Mirror  We help their clients see themselves more clearly.·       Summarize  Summaries validate and integrate information, providing a model to internalize.·       Reframe 
A reframe offers a new perspective by changing the original viewpoint and context. 
·       Brainstorm 
We have a wealth of experience and ideas that can further discussions of everything from business and marketing to people skills. 
·       Offer ideas and insights 
Mentor Coaching may include aspects of emotional and social intelligence, including executive presence.
·       Advise  Some forward movement can be a simple suggestion based on the Coach’s experience, or the client’s blind spot or unconscious bias.·       Storybust  Question or challenge automatic, habitual behavior, or limiting assumptions, especially when there is evidence they don’t work. Often these limiting beliefs are outside conscious awareness.·       Give information  The client may need guidance toward resources and information.·       Train and redirect  For example, give a model of how to handle conflict, including communication skills.·       Regulate states of mind  This powerful strategy, especially for executives, can significantly enhance performance David Krueger MDExecutive Mentor

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