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This article was sent to me by an online group of coaches in India.  Here was how I commented on Brian's excellent article:I know Brian Underhill very well. He is a very nice person. He is not one of those tough guys who has to learn to soften up a bit. His article was framed around not eating a certain brand of Ice Cream. What he wrote about is a key ingredient to this dish we serve up as coaches. I think another analogy is using the "glass is half full or half empty." The people we coach and the leaders above that person can easily fall into the "half empty" viewpoint. Whatever level of challenge we bring to the engagement they will say it was too much or not enough. Our best defense is a continual checking in as to whether we are sinning from too much or too little toughness/challenge. That way, at the end of the assignment the client can only choose from being very happy with our approach, or point out they were dishonest with us along the way.

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