Over 50% of Companies Are Now Measuring the Impact of Executive Coaching, Up from 7% in 2005 - Industry-Wide Coaching Study

Over 50% of organizations are now measuring the impact of executive coaching up from 7% in 2005, according to an industry-wide research study.

The compelling 2012 study covers such trends as why organizations use coaching, how the coaching engagement process is carried out, how coaching impact is measured, how executive coaches are selected, expected trends moving forward and much more. The study extends findings from High Impact Executive Coaching, a study completed by CoachSource and Executive Development Associates in 2005. This current iteration represents an industry-first, "four dimensional perspective,” surveying over 600 respondents across the perspectives of leaders, organizations, internal coaches and external coaches.

“This year’s study reveals a lot about a growing and maturing industry,” says Dr. Erica Desrosiers, Senior Director, Global Talent Development for Walmart and one of the study’s co-authors. "Of particular value is also the ability to look at the industry from multiple perspectives especially when those perspectives don’t quite align. Identifying where, for example, leaders and organizations differ in how they view and approach certain aspects of coaching can help inform organizational coaching practice leaders as to how they can leverage coaching more effectively,” Erica adds.

“There is a definite increase of organizations measuring business impact in some way,” according to Dr. Brian O. Underhill, Founder & CEO of CoachSource. “This is great news for an industry that has often been seen as playing a very intangible role in growing and sustaining great leaders,” he adds.

Among other key findings:

  •     Growth in the executive coaching field is expected to continue. Seventy-seven percent of responding organizations planned to increase their investment in executive coaching over the next few years.
  •     "Executive presence" made a surprising debut as the #2 most commonly-cited reason for hiring an executive coach, behind "leadership development".
  •      While the use of internal coaches in organizations is growing, there are currently large differences between internal and external coach practices and experience.
  •     Executives ranked "ability to build rapport" and "experience and skills as a coach" as the most important criteria in selecting a coach, with accreditation and instrument certification as least important in their selection decision.

“In this study, we were really interested in gathering a 'four dimensional' look at the industry,” says Underhill. “We thought it was important to gather perceptions across perspectives and to allow readers to see the differences in those perspectives…because there sure are differences across some areas,” he adds.

“Yet while best practices and industry perceptions are more defined and consistent than they were in 2005, I believe the industry has not yet reached maturity but will continue to change with the demands of the fast-moving, 21st century organization,” says Desrosiers.

To obtain the full research report, visit: http://www.coachsource.com/research.


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